Air Con Recharge and Car Air Conditioning Services in Liverpool, Merseyside, Wirral and Surrounding Areas
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Covering Merseyside, Liverpool, Wirral, Birkenhead, St Helens, Southport and Formby, as well as the surrounding areas, we offer mobile car air conditioning service, air con recharge, regas and repair as well as general vehicle repairs and service, all at your home or place of work.
We don’t just do cars, we also fix A/C, recharge, service and repair on trucks, vans, horse boxes and agricultural vehicles.
At busy times calls may transfer to voicemail. Please leave a message and we will call you back within 24 hours. Please note we are unable to take card payments, but cash or cheques are always welcome.
For Parts enquiries visit

Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm
Saturday: 8am to 6pm
Sunday: 8am to 6pm
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